Need some resources for your career navigation/development? Grab the wheel. You are in control.

Hi Ray, Thank you so much for your interest in the Product Manager position at XYZ Company. Unfortunately, we have decided not …

Phew! It’s been 2 months already. I do miss getting in touch with all of you.  “What kept me away?” Well, after 4 …

Do you remember that time when you were so sure about that job application, examination result, birthday gift, relationship, travel plans, contract, …

Once upon a time, I had the opportunity to attend two job interviews on the same day – 20th December 2016; one …

network noun BrE: /ˈnetwɜːk/ NAmE: /ˈnetwɜːrk/ 1. a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that are connected to each other and operate …

“I tender my application for jobs, but I never land interviews” Do you often find yourself in this situation? I understand that …

There has been so much unrest globally because of COVID-19. I can understand how difficult this is for individuals, me inclusive, and …

Hi there! I am back with the second article. I almost slipped on this, but I did turn to my motto this …

My first résumé was a complete “daboo” – a technical term for a copied assignment in the university. I literally lifted the …