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Who We Are

Career Wheel develops end-to-end solutions to your career navigation needs. We have delivered value to 100s of individuals in entry-, mid- and executive-level roles across 7 countries globally through our tailored approaches and processes. For us, it goes beyond building mere résumés.

Our unconventional processes will help you recognize and quantify your contribution in the workplace, develop an ownership and growth mindset, and advance your career in confidence.

Joel Kojo Abaka Anaman_mycareerwheel_white

Joel Kojo Abaka Anaman

The Founder

In May 2014, I developed my first résumé to apply for a field analyst contract job with Sanisphere, a global pharmaceutical market research organisation, by lifting a senior colleague’s résumé and editing it to suit my taste. As clueless as I was, my understanding just like that of some students and professionals I have engaged, was that a résumé is all about a good template. Although I got the job, it was more attributed to my work ethic and networking efforts. 

A year later, I improved my resume and got into the same job. This time around, it was a template from the University of Oxford. Although I experienced repeated success, my worry was about why building an excellent résumé, although extremely important, was not given priority in school. My curiosity led me to explore the topic of resumes from my colleagues and friends, and I realized that the trends were glaring; poor résumés everywhere. 


This triggered my learning journey to find a lasting solution to this issue; provide guidance for young graduates and professionals, create an atmosphere where they are able to demonstrate their value through their résumés and earn decent salaries  while discovering a purpose in what they do. 

Since 2019, I have reached 2500+ people through virtual and physical speaker engagements on career navigation topics. Furthermore, I discovered that career navigation goes beyond resumes. What started as a mere résumé building activity has evolved into Career Wheel.

Totally enjoyed the service. Love the fact that you’re involved in the whole process so that you’re not disconnected from the final outcome. Totally recommend.


KPMG - Ghana


A career is a well curated series of jobs with a clear destination in mind. Whether you are an entrepreneur, freelancer or a 9-5er, an excellent career has a significant impact on your quality of life. For a long time, the narrative has been “Graduate from school, write a résumé, apply for jobs, pass an interview and secure an offer”.

Today, it is no longer enough to submit a résumé and cover letter to successfully secure a job offer that contributes to your career. In an environment where graduate numbers and competition for work surges, information overload leaves professionals completely at sea when it comes to careers. In the absence of clear cut strategies and rigorously tested solutions , professionals lose a great deal of time and efforts to unsuccessful job applications.

Let’s empower you to save time and stay ahead. We are your career navigation specialists, meaning we will drive you from feeling at sea to surfing through your career in a breeze. By being intentional and leveraging unconventional processes, we are focused on making you stand out as a talent, whether you are in active work, in a hiatus or about to launch into your career.


A world where professionals develop a growth and ownership mindset, build their career capital seamlessly and achieve career satisfaction.

mission statement

Helping people land jobs, find purpose in their careers and win in the workplace using performance metrics.



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